You are a pompous jackass of the most ridiculous and predictable sort.
Since you cannot inject JW propaganda at random according to your original desires when you joined this forum, and because you have met with scrutiny, you now seek to discredit open minded free thinking individuals.
What authority or expertise have you gained to become the inquisitor of education? List your credentials as others have in past threads, and after reviewing them, make your weak and teppid case, if you can!
Otherwise, step down from another of your three-legged soap boxes, and simply accept reality and do some investigative research of your own without jumping to conclusions and criticisms.
As far as actual education is concerned, nothing thus far reveals anything beyond high school or a junior college (definitely american) in your case.
Many here hold graduate degrees and are pursuing others. Also, I would wager that many here earned far more education after leaving the WTBS than while serving under the "theocratic thumbs" of tyranny.
I earned my bachelor's before the truth and my master's during, ONLY because I insisted on doing so and refused to look sad or dejected for missing meetings, which did not bother me in the least. I actually thrived due to lack of association. I now realize why many in the past had no problem with college and missing meetings and service.
Why settle for a miserable existence? Only a fool submits to that degree-no pun intended! The only real euphoria is constant education! GET SOME!